Month: September 2011

Progress is Progress, I Guess

Our house sits at the top of a t-intersection, looking straight down the road that connects with ours.  The bathrooms in our house are in the front with toilets that are right next to the windows.  They look directly down the street so that if the blinds are open, well, […]

Growing Up Sucks

For nearly six years, Benjamin had been my little companion on commutes into and from work, everyday…Matthew for more than four years.  I would always drop them off and pick them up from daycare everyday, which accounted for 30 minutes to an hour a day where we would talk about […]

Inside Out

The other night at dinner, we were joking around with the kids about haircuts.  Andrea asked the boys if they though she should get her hair cut really short and the boys laughed saying, “No!”  So I asked them if I should grow my hair really long, to which they […]

Empty Sidewalks

There is an image that has been seared in my mind for a decade now.  It is the image of Andrea walking down the sidewalk about a block from our apartment in a suit and high-heels.  I was in my car, coming from behind her.  I was suppose to pick […]

Works with Dolphins

As I mentioned before, Benjamin has been on a marine mammal kick with a side of pirates, sharks and squids thrown in.  Many conversations that start on dry land where it is safe, end up, somehow, with an epic battle for life and death between a Sperm Whale and Giant […]